Woman Handcuffed and Raped In Police Cruiser

In a breaking news story out of norther Quebec, a young Indigenous woman from an Inuit village has filed suit against the police after she was left handcuffed in the back of a police cruiser where she was then raped.

The woman, who was 17-years-old when the incident took place, is suing for $400,000. The suit explains that she was knowingly left in the back of the vehicle with a repeat sexual offender, Joe Kritik, who then sexually assaulted her.

Unlike the woman who was assaulted, Kritik was not restrained or handcuffed in any way. The police knew this when they left him alone with the woman who was subsequently assaulted by Kritik.

“The plaintiff was unable to defend herself, being handcuffed in her back and unable to leave the vehicle, the doors being locked,” the suit alleges.

The suit says that the woman suffers from post-traumatic stress since the incident which took place back in September of 2011 in the lakeside community of Tasiujaq. The area is only accessible by airplane, snowmobile or boat, according to the lawsuit.

The suit specifically names the officer and the local police service chief as well as the regional government. It alleges “a serious lack of professionalism and gross negligence,” on behalf of the entire department, and additionally comments that the officers involved, “show[ed] an incredible lack of concern for the safety of the plaintiff.”


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Religion and Extraterrestrial Life

There are two very popular topics that strike a sensitive cord in thoughts and emotions of human beings. These two topics bring up more questions than answers at times. These popular topics seem to be about extraterrestrial life and religion, if they are real and how they relate to one another. Put them together and you really have one hell of a debate.
Extraterrestrial life, as opposed to what we believe as a race, takes on a whole new dimension. If there is life on other planets, then what does that mean for those who believe in God, gods or even atheists? How is extraterrestrial life and spirituality connected? Well, it’s simple, really.
What we really want to know is, “How would discovering life on other planets affect religion?” If we believe in God, who created earth and started with two people, Adam and Eve, then what do we think about beings on other planets? Since Adam and Eve sinned and their lives changed forever, does this mean that beings on other planets have similar fates? It’s interesting to fathom that we could be connected by the same covenant explained by Christianity.
If you use logic, then you begin to think that other beings, on other planets did not have to abide by God’s law. These other beings may even be free from sin, since they did not commit the famous crime of passion, brought upon by eating a strange fruit. From the Books David Weintraub, author of “Religions and Extraterrestrial Life” and astronomer at Vanderbuilt University, examines the reaction of several different faiths to the idea of life on other planets. The polls show various readings, and some may surprise you.

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Historical Facts You Didn’t Learn In School

1. In the Great Fire of London in 1666, which destroyed 13,200 houses, 87 churches, the cathedral of St. Paul and left 70,000 homeless, only 8 people were killed.
2. The Parliament of Iceland is the oldest still operational parliament in the world. It exists since 930.
3. The Arabic numerals were actually discovered by Indian mathematicians
4. The first bomb that fell on Berlin from the Allies in WWII killed the one and only elephant of the Berlin zoo.
5. The U.S. Air Force (then part of the Army corps) had 18 pilots and 5-12 serviceable aircraft at the beginning of WWI.
6. General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna ordered a full military funeral in 1838 for his amputated leg. He lost it by canon fire.
7. King George I of England was German.
8. At the beginning of the American Civil War, the commander of the confederate army, General Robert E. Lee did not own any slaves. The victor of the conflict union general Ulysses Grant did. Furthermore, the constitution of the confederate states of America banned the trade of slaves while the Union constitution did not.
9. A man from New Orleans hired a pirate to liberate Napoleon from his exile to the island of St. Helena.
10. In his college dorm room, Lord Byron kept a pet bear.
11. U.S. President Ronald Reagan was a life guard in high school. He has been credited for saving 77 lives.
12. In 1929, researchers in Princeton managed to turn a live cat into a fully functional telephone.
13. The infamous Kim Jong Il has written six operas.

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Superstitions And Their Origins

From avoiding walking under ladders to carrying a rabbit’s foot for good luck; why do we do the things we do?  What is the origin of many of our most common superstitions?

25. It’s bad luck to open an umbrella indoors

Even though many people believe that this superstition started with the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt, most historians trace the belief back to Victorian times when the poorly designed umbrellas of the time would have been a very legitimate hazard indoors.

boutique tourism12324. Walking Under a Ladder is Bad Luck

Egyptians regarded triangles as sacred and since a ladder resting against a wall forms a triangle it was not ok for someone to walk through it.

23. Broken mirrors lead to seven years of bad luck

Looking into the mirror to predict the future was a practice used in ancient Greece and was called catoptromancy.  Having a distorted reflection was considered a really bad sign.  Later the Romans taught the idea that people have 7 year cycles of good health and then bad health.  Combine those two traditions and the modern superstition is born.









22. When you spill salt, toss some over your left shoulder to avoid bad luck

Tossing spilled salt over your left shoulder started around 3,500 BC by the Sumerians.  After that the tradition spread to the Egyptians, Assyrians, and later the Greeks.

21. Knock on wood to prevent Disappointment

Even though this is a very common superstition, historians are unsure what the true origins are. They believe it is possible that the habit comes from touching a wooden crucifix while taking an oath.

20. Hang a horseshoe on your door with the open end up for good luck

During the middle ages many people thought that witches feared horses and would stay away from any sign of them.  Because of this the people would put horseshoes on their barns during the summer.

images19. A black cat crossing your path is unlucky

Originally because of ancient Egyptians cats were considered good luck.  But when King Charles the I mourned the loss of his cat he decided that his luck was gone.  Now people all over the world believe the sight of a black cat is bad.

18. The number 13 is Unlucky

Also known as triskaidekaphobia, the fear of the number 13 originates back to Norse mythology when 12 Gods were said to be having dinner when Loki, the God of strife and evil, crashed the party and ultimately caused the death of Balder, one of the Gods.

17. Finding a four leaf clover is lucky

In ancient times the Celts believed that four leaf clovers were powerful objects and that they could be used to ward off evil.










16. Wishing upon a shooting star

In the first century Ptolemy theorized that shooting stars resulted from gods peering down on the Earth.  While the gods were looking people would send their wishes and hope that they would hear them.

15. Holding your breath while passing a cemetery

Normally this is attributed to the connection between breathing and living.  However in some Native American cultures breathing near the dead was risky because you might accidentally inhale someone’s soul.

14. Throwing coins in a fountain for luck

Originally this was practiced by the ancient Romans and then was also used by the Celts.  Many theorize that it was to appease the water gods.

nickys potions dandelion info13. Wishing on Dandelions

Blowing out the seeds of a dandelion originated in Celtic Mythology.  It was believed that dandelions could cure diseases and would bring about good fairies.




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Blame Your Parents For

You can credit your parents for your baby blues or your olive skin but other less obvious traits may also stem from your genes. Mom and Dad could even be to blame for your dislike of cilantro, fear of dentists, and utter lack of athletic ability. Here, 7 behaviors, preferences, and more, all—surprisingly—controlled by your genes.

1. You absolutely cannot wake up without coffee.

If your parents reach for a cup of joe before they start their day, chances are you do, too. A study led by Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital researchers shows a genetic link between responses to caffeine. This could relate to variations in genetic differences in drug receptors (the part of the cell that interacts with a drug molecule—in this case caffeine) among people, says Riya Pulicharam, MD, director of clinical research, HE & Outcomes at HealthCare Partners in Los Angeles, who was not involved in the study. This diversity may determine whether or not a person experiences a positive or negative reaction to caffeine. (See the happy affect coffee can have on you with this fun infographic.)

2. The smell of Mexican food makes you cringe.
A gene that influences smell may be responsible for a strong dislike of the herb cilantro, which is often used in Mexican cuisine. A genetic survey of nearly 30,000 people traced a cilantro aversion to a gene, OR6A2, which is very sensitive to the chemicals that give the herb its distinct flavor. Those put off by it said cilantro tasted like soap. For people who still want to enjoy the herb as a seasoning, researchers suggest crushing the leaves, which helps eliminate the aroma.

3. You’d rather skydive with a sketchy-looking parachute than get your teeth cleaned.
Not many people look forward to a dentist appointment, but an actual fear of the dentist can be handed down from parents, a study from Madrid shows. Published in the International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, the research found a link between fear levels amongst fathers, mothers, and children. “If the parents are hovering over the dentist’s chair, making comments such as, ‘Don’t worry, it won’t hurt; it will be over soon,’ the child feels that there is something to worry about,” says Don Atkins, DDS, a dentist in Long Beach, CA. If this carries over into adulthood, the child may become part of the 9-15% of adults who avoid the dentist due to fear. Of course, this sort of behavior likely applies to other types of anxiety, too—something to keep in mind if you’re a nervous parent.


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Water Is Not A Human Right

When the point of the game is to make as much money as you can, you’d be surprised what the rich will try to monetize.

Water is the one thing we need to have every day in order to be healthy and to survive.

You can go a while without eating, but you’re dead in days if you don’t drink any water.

But according to the (now former) CEO of Nestle, that resource is Not a human right and should not be owned by the public,

but is a resource that should be sold at prices they set.

Watch the video and see for yourself:




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“Ghostly Presence” Created In Lab

The unsettling feeling that there is someone else in the room with you can be artificially induced.

Scientists have succeeded in identifying the parts of the brain responsible for the feeling of an unseen presence in the room, a sensation that is typically associated with the paranormal.

The researchers used brain scans of 12 people with neurological disorders to pinpoint the affected regions of the brain and then used that information to develop an experiment that could reproduce sensations of a presence in healthy volunteers.

Each participant was asked to manipulate a robot with their hands while a second robot traced the same movements on that person’s back. When the two movements were in sync the volunteer reported nothing out of the ordinary, but when a delay was introduced between their movements and the corresponding movements of the robot they began feeling as though someone else was there.

Two of the volunteers were so freaked out by the experience that they were unable to finish.

The scientists behind the experiment believe that under the right circumstances the brain becomes confused and misinterprets the body’s position, believing it instead to be that of someone else.


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3 Strange Extraterrestrial Encounters

While growing up in a small CT shoreline town outside New Haven, I never really believed in anything. I guess I was a child atheist. I believed what I was taught in school: logic and science. Ghosts, aliens, magic and even God were all made up things… Until one day the universe decided to let me in on some big secrets. It seems that everything I learned in school wasn’t the whole truth. Now that I’ve written my book and have spoken to others in the world of ufology, I found out that my extraterrestrial experiences beginning at such a young age is common. Often people who become contactees have their first contacts as children…

The first lesson the universe had for me was to take away my foundation of reality! It began in my childhood home on one ordinary night and not unlike any other. My family all went to sleep and as I had done many times before, I got out of bed in the middle of the night. I quietly took my blanket and laid on top of the heater vent in the hallway. The vent came up through the floor in the middle of the hall at the top of the stairs. It was centered between four bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor where I would often fall asleep.

This time I was awakened by what I thought was a young boy standing at my feet smiling at me. He was about three feet tall with dirty blonde straight hair. I thought that maybe my sister Janet had been sitting and the child woke up wandering. But then I thought it was probably a dream because that didn’t make sense. So I rubbed my eyes but the child was still there. I did it again only harder and again he was still there. I remember thinking that I had to wake myself up. I rubbed my eyes two more times, still there. Only now because of the look on his face I started getting scared. It began to occur to me that this wasn’t what it seemed, so I ever so slowly stood up. He was looking right at me, and smiling with an uncanny knowing smile. Something in his expression seemed to me as if he was thinking “I know something about YOU!” Suddenly he started to move, he went around me from my right hand side to my left. As he passed, I followed him in through my mom’s open door at the end of the hall. There he stopped at the end of her bed while still looking at me. I slowly circled around him, making no quick or jerky moves. I didn’t want to arouse any suspicion of what I was about to do. I stood between him and the end of my mom’s bed. He was right under the hanging light switch. I was going to grab for the switch quick before he has a chance to react. “NOW!” I quickly pull the switch! The damn light blows out, but during the flash, I could see he or it was gone. I instantly leaped into my mother’s bed and frantically woke her so I could tell her. “Mom, Mom,” she’s like, “what’s the matter?” “I just saw a ghost at the end of your bed.” She says, “that’s because you’re so bad.” I was around 9 years old at the time and that was real encouraging. The next morning I told my brother but he didn’t believe me. He went upstairs with me to turn on the light, it was blown. “See, I wasn’t lying.”

I first believed it was a ghost but later experiences brought me to the conclusion that it was more likely an extraterrestrial.

The Second Visual Contact

OK but now several years would pass and the next event would change me permanently. It was what I’ve heard referred to as a plasma UFO and now I began to think that someone was trying to get my attention. Now the first visual event of the little boy wasn’t a fluke anymore.

Now I’m about 11 or 12 and WOW! What the hell is that in the sky, Venus? It must be a planet I thought. I’ve heard about these things before, colorful lights always turn out to be a planet. But it couldn’t be a planet because it’s too big and close and moving too weird.


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The Truth About Chemtrails/Geo-Engineering

One factor that’s commonly overlooked when it comes to talking about human health and environmental degradation is geo-engineering and Solar Radiation Management (SRM), also known as “chemtrails.” The name seems to come from the fact that various geo-engineering and SRM programs use stratospheric aresols like barium, nano aluminum-coated fiberglass [known as CHAFF], radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, polymer fibers and more.

Below is a video of multiple scientists, doctors and pilots telling the truth about “chemtrails.” It’s a very serious issue that’s often ridiculed and thrown into the conspiracy realm. As a result I attached information from an article I recently wrote about the subject.

Very Brief History of Weather Modification

“Weather modification is generally considered to be the deliberate effort to improve atmospheric conditions for beneficial human purposes . Not all weather modification activities, however, have been designed to benefit everyone, and have been used for purposes of war” (1)

“The US Navy launched a weapon capable of inducing a powerful earthquake on Haiti. This time it was only a drill, and the final part of it is destroying and taking over Iran.” -Hugo Chavez, (then) president of Venezuela

Weather modification dates back to the 1940′s, when the General Electric Company demonstrated that a cloud of super-cooled water droplets could be be transformed into ice crystals when seeded with dry ice. Shorty after this it was discovered that fine particles of pure silver iodide with a crystal structure similar to that of ice were effective for global weather modification. As a result:

“Silver iodide remains the most often used materia 

 material in cloud seeding.”  (1)

The above statement was made in the 1970′s, but so much more has happened since. With silver iodide began the birth of spraying stratospheric aerosols into the Earth’s atmosphere. Silver iodide spraying began in the 1950′s (1), and has since proven to be extremely toxic, especially for the environment, human and animal health. You can learn more about it here.

Aluminum is another thing. It’s highly toxic and also very damaging to the environment.

The idea of spraying aluminum into our atmosphere goes way back, patents exist that clearly demonstrate the consideration of such materials that include the oxides of metals which have high emissivity. These include harmful substances like aluminum oxide and thorium oxide. A great patent example is one from the Hughes Aircraft Company that dates all the way back to 1990, that’s over twenty years ago. You can take a look at it here.

Fast forward to today, with even more chemicals added to the mix, this gives us the basic gist of geoengineering programs (image below) and why so many people are concerned about them.

“We do stuff in the stratosphere all the time off-course, so it’s not as though the stratosphere is absolutely pristine. But you don’t want to have people going off and doing things that involve large radioactive forgings, or programs that go on for extended periods or for that matter provide lots of reactive surfaces that could result in significant ozone destruction.” – (taken from the first film cited at end of article)
M. Granger Morgan, Carnegie Mellon University, University and Lord Chair Professor of Engineering and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences Member.

 Modern Day Spraying

“In addition to specific research programs sponsored by Federal agencies, there are other functions related to weather modification which are performed in several places in the executive branch. Various federal advisory panels and committees and their staffs – established to conduct in-depth studies and prepare reports, to provide advice or recommendations, or to coordinate weather modification programs – have been housed and supported within executive departments, agencies, or offices.” (1)

These programs are conduced by the department of defense, which means they remain classified, and why so many scientists and meteorologists don’t say anything about it. At the same time, all it really takes is observation.

Most of these programs are backed by the CIA and NASA, who are supporting the National Academy of Sciences with regards to geoengineering projects.(source)(source) Again, geo-engineering projects are any attempt to alter the way the planet or its weather systems operate, and as you can see, have been happening for a long time now.(source)(source)(source)(source)  The weather was even modified in China for the 2008 Olympics.(source)

If you are a constant observer of the skies, as I am, it’s not hard to see that something is already going on. After a day of spraying, the trails don’t evaporate, they spread out and block the sun.

Global dimming is another term people aren’t familiar with, 20 % of the Suns rays are not hitting the Earth. That means there’s a lot of metal up there” – Dane Wigington

Concerns have been voiced for years, by various individuals from all over the world. For example, Rosalind Peterson, president and Co-Founder of the Agriculture Defense Coalition (ADC), and x United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) employee stated at a 2007 United Nations hearing on global warming that:

“One of the things that’s affected by climate change is agriculture, but some of what we are seeing  is man made, but man made in a different way than what you may guess. Weather modification programs, experimental ones done by private companies, the US government, are underway and there are more than 50 operations underway across the United States. All of these impact agriculture because they change the micro-climates needed for agriculture to survive. None of these programs are done with oversight. International corporations are modifying our weather all the time, and modifying it in ways that cover thousands and thousands of square miles. Most of it is chemically altered, so what happens is that we are putting ground based chemicals that are shot into the air that change and modify our weather.”

You can read more, and view that full hearing here.

Geoengineering and chemtrails are a huge issue, and when talking about climate and environmental degradation, it’s something that must be mentioned, the fact that it’s not is very suspicious, given the fact that they’ve been spraying for and modifying our climate for so long.


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Conspiracy Theories Which Turned Out To Be True

There are types of stories called “conspiracy theories” and the people who teach them are considered by “society” as crazy fanatics who often need medical treatment. What if I tell you that “society” should take some of that medical treatment, because sometimes such incredible stories that nobody believed in, turn out to be 100% true.

What if I tell you that the doctors did not treat us, just wait until we die to cut our bodies?


In the years 1932-1972, there were a series of experiments on about 400 syphilis-infected black citizens of the United States. The study selected the poor, simple and uneducated – most of them did not even know about their illness. U.S. Public Health Service had promised free treatment to patients. In fact, they were given aspirin. The purpose of this“experiment” was to observe a progressive disease in representatives of the black race, and the scientific autopsy of deceased participants in these studies. As a result, 28 people died directly of syphilis, 100 died as a result of complications directly related to the disease, 40 women were infected by unconscious patients, and 19 children were born with congenital disease.


The sad truth about the Tuskegee Experiment was confirmed in 1997 by President Bill Clinton, who officially and publicly apologized to the eight surviving participants in these studies.

What if I tell you that the U.S. government itself commits “acts of terror” on its land, just to have an excuse to invade another country?


In 1997, as a result of the murder of J.F. Kennedy, fifteen hundred pages of documents entitled “Operation Northwoods”were declassified. In the 60s, the United States was preparing for war with Cuba. To fire up the war machine public support was needed. In turn the defense secretary presented a paper called “Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba” so they had a whole range of interesting provocations, such as terrorist attacks involving the blowing up military bases, starting fires, aircraft hijacking, “landing” of Cuban troops , bombings, and even the sinking of a boat full of armed Cubans.

 see the full document for yourself: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20010430/northwoods.pdf

see the full document for yourself here

These false flag terrorist attacks were to be carried out by the CIA on a massive scale so that the citizens of the United States would feel threatened by Fidel Castro and the government had an excuse to start a war. The plan was never implemented however, as president Kennedy met with the General Lyman Lemnitzer the plan for the operation was rejected. This time it did not work …

What if I tell you that it is just about oil?

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